Microcopy and Long-Form Content
The client portal is one of the most used features in Zoho Invoice. It’s a space where the user’s customers can view and pay for their invoices. But if end customers faced any issues, they had to send emails back and forth with the user. To solve this, we integrated Zoho Invoice with Zoho SalesIQ, which is live chat support software.
For this integration, I designed content for all points of user interaction. This included buttons, error messages, pop-ups, and in-app notifications. Apart from this, I also wrote a help document and blog to educate users.
Collaborated With
1 engineer
1 product lead
1 UX designer
Skills Used
Product research
User education
Long-form writing
Existing users
When introducing a new integration, it’s important to communicate to users how the integration will benefit them. Only then will they give it a try. To talk in detail about how this integration will help them, we used a full page.
Communicate to users the benefits of the integration.
What I did:
Read in detail about the product we’re integrating with.
Tested the integration to get a first-hand experience of how it works.
Suggested to promote this integration contextually to increase usage.
Drafted the benefits of the integration after discussions with the product lead.
Collaborated with the designer to illustrate how the integration works.
Conveyed what users gain by integrating, in simple terms avoiding technical jargon.

I wrote a blog for this integration and also crafted an in-app notification to notify users. The notification saw a 60% click rate and almost half of them ended up setting up the integration. With the help of useful copy, I was able to educate users about what the integration does and how they can benefit from it.
Long-Form Content
My responsibilities at Zoho also included writing help documents, FAQs, blogs, product updates, year-end posts, and other long-form content as and when required. We write help documents and FAQs in Markdown and use Git for version control. And for blogs, we use WordPress. This helped us take control of all our content.
Users generally come to a help document to learn how to use a feature or to find out how to do a particular action. While writing for help docs, I focus on readability by using step-by-step instructions and short paragraphs. I outline what the feature is, how it will be beneficial, and how users can start using it. Using plain English is important as our users worldwide should be able to grasp it. For screenshots, I use Zoho Annotator.
For significant feature releases, we publish a blog to market them better. Writing for blogs is different as the tone has to be friendly and conversational. I make sure to write catchy headings and skimmable paragraphs. Apart from writing and getting the content reviewed by the product team, I also decide on the design for the feature image. I'm also responsible for drafting social media copies.
At the end of each month, I publish a what's new post to let users and partners know about the latest product updates. For this, I gather all the updates released in that month and verify them with the product lead. Then, I briefly explain the updates with supporting screenshots. I've also published year-end posts that highlight all the major releases. All my posts were read by 4000+ viewers.